KyberNetwork MVP Release

Loi Luu
Kyber Network
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2017


Dear Kyberians,

As promised, we are excited to announce the release of the minimum viable product of KyberNetwork service. This release includes the main KyberNetwork contracts, a user web-wallet and the reserve dashboard for reserve managers. The goal of this release is to allow users to experiment with our service and to have a better understanding of what KyberNetwork has to offer.

Although seemingly complete, this is still an early release, thus bugs are expected and security concerns exist. As such, we would like to you to try out the MVP (which runs with testnet Ether and tokens) and share your thoughts about the service, so that we can continue to work on the experience with you. Please let us know how we can improve KyberNetwork via our slack channel, or file a github issue directly in the corresponding repository.

What are in this release

KyberNetwork technology stack includes three major components, including a user web-wallet, the core smart contracts and the reserve dashboard that helps reserve manager to operate the reserve. All these components are functional in this release, i.e. they provide the core functionality that we aim to support in KyberNetwork’s first mainnet release. Details of each component are as below.

Architecture of KyberNetwork


Wallet is where users interact directly with KyberNetwork when they wish to convert their tokens. In the future, we plan to integrate KyberNetwork with popular wallets to bring KyberNetwork services to a wider class of users. We also have an in-house KyberWallet that we develop to support all functions that we provide. The code for the KyberWallet is publicly available on github, a deployed version of our wallet is available at The wallet allows you to manage your account, convert and exchange your tokens easily. We have also provided a short video that explains how to convert tokens and send tokens from different tokens with our wallet.

Tempted to check it out? A longer video which describes all functionalities that our wallet provides also exists. We will walk you through how to setup the wallet, how to configure advanced features when you trade/ convert. If you need some Kovan Testnet Ether to use the wallet, please ping us on Slack, in the #random channel. Note that the wallet is still in beta, so PLEASE USE ONLY TESTNET ACCOUNTS!!!

For a more detailed feature of KyberWallet, check out this video:

Kyber Contracts

Kyber contracts are where all the real trading and conversion happen, as KyberNetwork bring all transactions on-chain. The code for our contracts is also available on our github. Our smart contract repository consists of three main modules, namely, KyberNetwork contract, KyberReserve and KyberWallet, and a few other mock modules that simulate testnet tokens and centralized exchanges. We will describe all these components, their architectures, how they work in a detailed blog post later this week. All the contracts are currently deployed on the Kovan testnet.

  1. KyberNetwork contract address: 0x11542d7807dfb2b44937f756b9092c76e814f8ed
  2. KyberReserve contract address: 0x60860ce9688f4200e87e61b9a9a171cee1dc5f65
  3. Other mock ERC20 token contracts to serve the demonstration of trading and conversions between tokens: 0xbb9c28a16654a0cd510f5b0a250255c4a07211f2, 0x950b87923d52b09b1050abda589f91521e17e606 and 0x2c018fc6c9bb2b7653136dc7c5b7b588f2d11986.

KyberNetwork Reserve Dashboard

Reserve dashboard is where our liquidity providers, i.e. reserve managers, work to make prices, replenish their portfolios. The code for our reserve is intentionally kept private at the moment as we are still enhancing some features and addressing some security concerns. Further, we can’t support multiple users in our reserve dashboard yet, i.e. it is intentionally designed to support a single reserve operator. Interested users, yes we are looking at you — our future reserve owners/ managers, please contact us for a private access to our reserve dashboard. However, if you are curious on how it works, here is a detailed video that describes how our reserve works including how the pricing is done, what are the strategies for rebalancing/ replenishing.

What’s next?

We will gather your feedback in this MVP release to improve all three components in our platform. More features will be added to improve the usability of our wallet and our reserve dashboard. We also need to focus more on the security of our contracts and our reserve dashboard.

We target the first launch of our platform by early next year. Our goal is to have the service ready at least a month before our launch date for security audit from different parties. KyberNetwork focuses on the security of our platform as much as its usability.

We are hiring: We are looking for front end developers to improve our wallet and integrate KyberNetwork with other popular wallets. We are also looking for backend developers for our reserve dashboard. If you like our vision and are interested to be part of the team, please let us know by dropping an email to

About KyberNetwork

KyberNetwork is a decentralized and trustless exchange that facilitates instant conversion of crypto-assets with guaranteed liquidity. Our protocol will be key to promote liquidity of crypto-assets in the blockchain ecosystem, and improve the perception of tokens as a tradable asset class to the greater public.

Please join our Slack group, follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our Medium blog for more updates.

